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- Home | Divergent Perspectives I Neurodiversity Training
We are Divergent Perspectives. We provide training for professionals, especially Speech and Language Therapists supporting Neurodivergent / autistic people. We champion Neurodivergent people through non-behavioural based, trauma-informed practice. Ein Cenhadaeth Cefnogi pobl niwro-ymyrraeth (ND) trwy arferion nad ydynt yn seiliedig ar ymddygiad, sy'n seiliedig ar drawma Helpu gweithwyr proffesiynol i drawsnewid eu harfer trwy Baradigm Niwro-amrywiaeth I hyrwyddo pobl niwro-ymyrraeth I fflipio'r naratif am niwro-ymyrraeth Canoli lleisiau niwroddiriol i drawsnewid ymarfer training calendar Pwy ydyn ni Elaine McGreevy Therapydd Lleferydd ac Iaith Sylfaenydd a Chyfarwyddwr Mynediad Cyfathrebu CIC Wedi'i leoli yng Ngogledd Iwerddon Mae Elaine wedi gweithio fel Therapydd Lleferydd ac Iaith ers 25 mlynedd, ac wedi bod yn Glinigydd Arweiniol er 2001. Mae Elaine wedi bod yn ymwneud â sefydlu a datblygu gwasanaethau Therapi Lleferydd ac Iaith ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc awtistig. yn cynnig Therapi Lleferydd ac Iaith pro-niwro-amrywiaeth trwy ymddygiad dulliau empathig seiliedig. Mae Elaine eisiau cyfrannu at wneud newid yn y ffordd y mae cymdeithas yn derbyn ac yn cefnogi pobl Niwroddirywiol, yn enwedig plant awtistig a phobl ifanc. Emily Lees Therapydd Lleferydd ac Iaith Yr "SLT Awtistig" Sylfaenydd Siaradwr proffesiynol, hyfforddwr, eiriolwr awtistig Wedi'i leoli ym Manceinion Fwyaf, Lloegr Mae Emily yn Therapydd Lleferydd ac Iaith Awtistig balch sy'n cefnogi plant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion Awtistig. Nid yw Emily yn darparu ymyriadau sgiliau cymdeithasol ymddygiadol sy'n seiliedig ar ymchwil sydd wedi dyddio gan honni bod gan blant Awtistiaeth namau cymdeithasol. Trwy ei phrofiad byw, mae Emily yn ymgyrchu dros newidiadau radical mewn arferion therapi sy'n annog pobl Awtistig i gofleidio eu symbyliad, eu diddordebau a'u cyfathrebu dilys.
- Watch Recordings | div-perspectives
Shop Purchase training recordings 30-day streaming period Emotional Safety Go to description page Honouring Autistic Communication Go to description page Introduction to The Neurodiversity Paradigm Go to description page Creating Neurodiver gent-Affi rming Environments Go to description page Speech and Language T herapy Outcomes Go to descripti on page £30.00 Recorded 14/11/22 Purchase and watch Purchase and watch Purchase and watch Purchase and watch Recorded 04/04/22 £15.00 £40.00 £40.00 Recorded 20/06/22 £10.00 Recorded 27/06/22 Recorded 03/05/22 Purchase and watch
- Trainings | div-perspectives
We provide a number of trainings for professionals who are wanting to learn about neurodivergent-affirming practice. Our Trainings All of our trainings can be delivered to your team and organisation. Get in touch to discuss your needs. Supporting communication in the classroom (primary aged Autistic children) - Barriers to equitable participation in the classroom - The dark side of rewards and punishment in the classroom -The harms of Social Skills Training - Key aspects of supportive classrooms - Moving beyond 'off the shelf' generic autism strategies - Learning about Universal Design for Learning - Supporting autonomous learners in the classroom - Considerations for enabling neurodiverse group working - Addressing the Double Empathy problem on a school/class wide basis Supporting communication needs of Autistic teenagers Understanding Autistic masking Understanding situational non-speaking Understanding interpersonal victimisation and bullying Support for Autistic teens to navigating friendships Using Spoon Theory to help support self-advocacy and wellbeing Supporting Autistic communication using the Neurodiversity Paradigm Understand ableism and privilege, and how they underpin most SLT interventions Critique the historic evidence base e.g., Theory of Mind Problems with standardised testing - what are the limitations? Understand what Autistic communication looks like Strategies that honour Autistic communication styles Strategies that supporting attention and processing differences Speech and Language Therapy Outcomes Consider how behavioural models of SLT practice lead to outcomes that fail Autistic students Reflecting on the limitations of Autism interventions related to play and communication Neurodivergent-Affirming goal-setting Goals that lead to authenticity, agency, autonomy, acceptance Examples of affirming goals and outcomes Introduction to the Neurodiversity Paradigm How the medical / pathology model harms Neurodivergent people What the Neurodiversity Paradigm looks like Language and terminology professionals need to be using The link between trauma and neurodivergence How to support Neurodivergent students: strategies and approaches Examples of Neurodivergent-Affirming practice Supporting Multi-modal communication Learn how to support Autistic non-speaking / semi-speaking / Situationally Mute children Factors that make communication difficult Forms of multi-modal communication Terminology and language preferences AAC myths AAC research Introduction to AAC assessment and implementation Key considerations for Gestalt Language Processors Past Trainings Emotional Safety Creating Neurodivergent-Affirming environments Understand the factors that contribute to stress and dysregulation in the Neurodivergent student The links between trauma and neurodivergence The harms of behaviourism How to build emotionally safe and validating relationships with Neurodivergent students Learn about trauma-informed practice Learn how to create accessible environments for Neurodivergent children and adults Ableism in the classroom, healthcare, workplace Oppressive and inaccessible environments Features of Neurodivergent-Affirming environments How to advocate for disability needs of the people you support Universal Design and equity
- Contact | Divergent Perspectives
Contact us to find out more about our neurodiversity-affirming training courses and to enquire about booking us directly to your service or organisation. Enw cyntaf Enw olaf E-bost Neges Anfon Diolch am gyflwyno! Cysylltwch â ni @DivergentSLT
- Recordings | Divergent Perspectives
Recordiadau Fideo Ardal westeion Honouring Autistic communication An Introduction to The Neurodiversity Paradigm Emotional Safety Creating Neurodivergent-Affirming Environments Supporting Autistic communication using the Neurodiversity Paradigm Supporting Autistic multi-modal communicators
- Privacy Policy | div-perspectives
Privacy Policy We receive, collect and store any information you enter on our website or provide us in any other way. In addition, we collect the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet; login; e-mail address; password; computer and connection information and purchase history. We may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page. We also collect personally identifiable information (including name, email, password, communications); payment details (including credit card information), comments, feedback, product reviews, recommendations, and personal profile. When you conduct a transaction on our website, as part of the process, we collect personal information you give us such as your name, address and email address. Your personal information will be used for the specific reasons stated above only. We collect such Non-personal and Personal Information for the following purposes: To provide and operate the Services; To provide our Users with ongoing customer assistance and technical support; To be able to contact our Visitors and Users with general or personalized service-related notices and promotional messages; To create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred Non-personal Information, which we or our business partners may use to provide and improve our respective services; To comply with any applicable laws and regulations. Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall. All direct payment gateways offered by and used by our company adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers. We may contact you to notify you regarding your account, to troubleshoot problems with your account, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or monies owed, to poll your opinions through surveys or questionnaires, to send updates about our company, or as otherwise necessary to contact you to enforce our User Agreement, applicable national laws, and any agreement we may have with you. For these purposes we may contact you via email, telephone, text messages, and postal mail. If you don’t want us to process your data anymore, please contact us at [ ].
- Honouring Autistic Communication | Divergent Perspective
Anrhydeddu Cyfathrebu Awtistig Mewn Ymarfer Therapi Lleferydd ac Iaith Pris: £ 60 Hyd: 1 awr Dyddiad hyfforddi i ddod: Recording available for £40 Pynciau Adolygiad o'r sylfaen dystiolaeth gyfoes sy'n llywio ymarfer UDA sy'n cadarnhau niwro-ymyrraeth gyda phlant a phobl ifanc . Archwiliwch sut nad yw damcaniaethau hen ffasiwn, ee, Theori Meddwl, Cydlyniant Canolog, yn adlewyrchu gwybyddiaeth awtistig Cyfathrebu Awtistig Problemau gydag asesiadau safonedig wrth nodi sut i rymuso cyfathrebu myfyrwyr Awtistiaeth Strategaethau a chefnogaeth sy'n anrhydeddu arddulliau cyfathrebu a rhyngweithio awtistig Cefnogi sylw a gwahaniaethau prosesu Yn cynnwys Holi ac Ateb Bydd Tystysgrif DPP ar gael Y cyntaf mewn cyfres newydd o hyfforddiant ar arferion Cadarnhau Niwrodivergent i gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc Awtistig. Yn seiliedig ar brofiad byw ac ymchwil gyfoes, dysgwch sut a pham y gall UDAau gofleidio model Therapi Lleferydd ac Iaith sy'n cadarnhau niwro-ymyrraeth. Y model amlycaf o Therapi Lleferydd ac Iaith ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc Awtistig yw lleihau eu priodoleddau cyfathrebu cymdeithasol cynhenid trwy annog cyswllt llygad, addysgu sgriptio sgwrs a sgiliau cymdeithasol niwronormyddol eraill. Nid yw'r sylfaen dystiolaeth wedi'i phrofi ar gyfer defnyddio'r ymyriadau seicogymdeithasol hyn, er mai'r rhain yn aml yw'r gefnogaeth fwyaf cyffredin a gynigir. Gyda'r sylfaen dystiolaeth gynyddol yn tynnu sylw at y niwed o ddysgu plant a phobl ifanc Awtistig i guddio neu guddliwio eu hunain, rydym yn anelu at helpu UDAau i gofleidio model cefnogaeth gadarnhaol newydd sy'n meithrin sgiliau cyfathrebu awtistig. Gellir archebu pob hyfforddiant yn unigol a'i gyflwyno i'ch gwasanaeth / tîm / sefydliad
- Speech & Language Therapy outcomes | Divergent Perspectives
Canlyniadau Therapi Lleferydd ac Iaith Hyd: 1 awr Recording available for £10 Pynciau Ystyriwch sut mae modelau ymddygiadol o therapi Therapi Lleferydd ac Iaith fel hyfforddiant sgiliau cymdeithasol yn arwain at ganlyniadau sy'n methu â diwallu anghenion y myfyriwr Awtistiaeth. Dysgu mwy am osod nodau i gyflawni canlyniadau sy'n cadarnhau niwro-ymyrraeth ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc awtistig: Dilysrwydd, Asiantaeth, Ymreolaeth a Derbyn. Mae'r Paradigm Niwro-amrywiaeth yn galw ar Therapyddion Lleferydd ac Iaith i fyfyrio ar gyfyngiadau'r sylfaen dystiolaeth ymyrraeth awtistiaeth hanesyddol sy'n canolbwyntio ar leihau nodweddion cyfathrebu cymdeithasol a chynyddu ymddygiadau niwrogyhyrol mewn perthynas â chwarae, cyfathrebu, sgwrsio, a mynegiant emosiynol. Bellach, cydnabyddir y niwed o ddysgu myfyrwyr awtistig i "basio" am niwro-nodweddiadol a thystiolaeth mewn ymchwil ar les pobl awtistig. Yn gynyddol, mae Therapyddion Lleferydd ac Iaith yn coleddu niwro-amrywiaeth mewn ymarfer clinigol, gyda'r nod o gefnogi myfyrwyr awtistig i ddatblygu'n ddilys yn lle dysgu sgiliau cyfathrebu cymdeithasol niwro-nodweddiadol. Bydd y cwrs hwn yn helpu pob ymarferydd i wella ei ddealltwriaeth o nodau a chanlyniadau sy'n cadarnhau niwro-ymyrraeth sy'n arwain at ddilysrwydd, asiantaeth, ymreolaeth a derbyniad i'r unigolyn.
- Training Courses | Divergent Perspectives
Cyrsiau hyfforddi Cyflwyniad i Baradigm Niwro-amrywiaeth Anrhydeddu cyfathrebu Awtistig Canlyniadau Therapi Lleferydd ac Iaith Diogelwch Emosiynol Creating Neurodivergent-Affirming Environments Supporting Autistic communication: Using the Neurodiversity Paradigm All courses except 'Creating Neurodivergent-Affirming Environments' can be booked individually and delivered to your service or organisation. Contact us
- Supporting Autistic comm'n + ND Paradigm | div-perspectives
Supporting Autistic communication: Using the Neurodiversity Paradigm This training combines our 2 popular trainings "Introduction to The Neurodiversity Paradigm" and "Honouring Autistic Communication " Price: £70 Upcoming training date: 24th January 2022 2pm - 4:30pm Topics: Ableism & privilege Review of the evidence base that informs Neurodivergent-affirming SLT practice with children and young people. Explore how flawed, outdated theories e.g., Theory of Mind do not reflect Autistic cognition Autistic Communication characteristics & interaction Styles Problems with standardised assessments Strategies which honour Autistic communication & interaction styles Supporting attention and processing differences The critical importance of neurodiversity for a thriving society is increasingly being recognised. The dominant model of Speech and Language Therapy for Autistic children and young people is to reduce their inherent social communication attributes through encouraging eye contact, teaching conversation scripting and other neuronormative social skills. The evidence base is not proven for using these psychosocial interventions, despite these being often the most common supports offered. With the growing evidence base highlighting the harms of teaching Autistic children and young people to mask or camouflage their authentic selves, we aim to help SLTs embrace a new affirming model of support which nurtures Autistic communication skills. Book now
- Emotional Safety | Divergent Perspectives
Diogelwch Emosiynol Pris: £ 60 Hyd: 1 awr Past recording available for £15 Dyddiad hyfforddi i ddod: Pynciau Deall ffactorau sy'n cyfrannu at straen, trallod, dysregulation yn y myfyriwr niwroddirywiol Yn deall ffactorau sy'n cyfrannu at ymdeimlad myfyriwr o ddiogelwch a rheoleiddio Sut i adeiladu perthnasoedd ac amgylchedd sy'n ddiogel yn emosiynol ac yn ddilys s Yn cynnwys Holi ac Ateb Bydd Tystysgrif DPP ar gael Heb ddiogelwch emosiynol, nid oes lle i blentyn neu berson ifanc dyfu a datblygu sgiliau. Mae diogelwch yn ganolog i bob dysgu arall. Yn hanesyddol, mae myfyrwyr niwro-ymyrraeth a phlant / pobl ifanc / oedolion awtistig wedi bod yn agored i therapïau sy'n ceisio rheoli ymddygiad y plentyn, yn aml gyda'r nod o helpu'r unigolyn i baratoi i 'fyw yn y byd go iawn.' O ganlyniad, mae'r unigolyn yn profi trallod a / neu rwystredigaeth trwy'r annilysiad hwn o'i brofiadau lle nad yw eu hanghenion yn cael eu diwallu ac nad yw eu trallod yn cael ei ddeall neu, yn anffodus, yn cael ei dderbyn fel rhan gynhenid o'u niwro-ymyrraeth. Trwy'r profiadau hyn, gellir cyflyru unigolion niwro-ymyrraeth ac awtistig i gredu bod yr hyn maen nhw'n ei feddwl, ei deimlo a'i weithredu yn anghywir ac nad yw eu hanghenion yn cael eu blaenoriaethu. Mae hyn yn gosod yr unigolyn ar gyfer problemau tymor hwy gyda lles emosiynol. Gellir archebu pob hyfforddiant yn unigol a'i gyflwyno i'ch gwasanaeth / tîm / sefydliad